19-4-95: Car bomb in the United States, 168 Killed
This counterattack cult group in Texas over the United States security forces
16 years ago, a government office building the United States (U.S.) in Oklahoma City,destroyed by a car bomb. A total of 168 people, including 19 children who are in child care centers, were killed.
The car bomb that also injured at least 500 people. With the emotional, the current U.S.president, Bill Clinton vowed to punish the perpetrators severely. According to BBC television, the explosion occurred after 9 am local time or when many people began working in the building. The bomb destroyed the Alfred Murrah building most of the ten-story.
The motive was revenge for the bombing attack U.S. security forces to the followers ofBranch Davidian cult in Texas.
The main perpetrators of the bombing, Timothy McVeigh, was sentenced to death byinjection of toxic fluids after trial for two months. He was executed on June 11, 2001.
A colleague who helped McVeigh, Terry Nichols, in December 1997 was sentenced to life imprisonment. Meanwhile, another convict, Michael Fortier, sentenced for 12 years in prison after willing to be a key witness.
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